How Large is the Market?

There is a large market for preventive healthcare technology and services and it is expected to see a CAGR of 12% and be worth $432.4 B by 2024. North America makes up most of the market with 40%. MethylAge aims to focus on the early detection and screening sector of this market, where we believe we can be a significant player in that market.

Who Are We Going to Target?

We aim to market directly to you the consumer, to doctors, and to insurance companies.
Insurance companies can offer this service to their customers to enable them to guage their health.
Doctors can utilizes this as another means of finding how healthy their patients are.
You can use MethylAge to track your health and as a supplement to your yearly phsyical.


How Are We Going to Get Our Customers?

Sell Our "Why?"
We see this product being a stepping stone towards personalized and preventive healthcare. We want people to be empowered with information unique to them and take ownership of their health.

Target Early Adopters
We will first aim towards those individuals, doctors, and insurance companies that are already looking for a service like this. Selling to these people first will help build our credibility through testimonials and recommendations, strengthening our core consumers and helping us improve and market our product.

Build Our Presence
We have to build our presence through traditional media outlets and social media. We will try to partner with influencers in the field to help us gain exposure.